Jan T. Christenson


Academic and professional background: M.A. Lund University, Lund, Sweden 1969; M.D. Lund University, 1975; Ph.D, Lund University, Fulbright Scholar, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, 1980-81; Board Certified General Surgeon, Sweden 1981; Associate Professor Lund University, Lund, Sweden 1983; Board Certified European Board of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons 1998; Docent, University of Geneva, Switzerland 2002; Board certified surgeon and cardiovascular surgeon Switzerland 2003 (FMH), Board certified Vascular Surgeon Switzerland (FMH) 2004.

Main fields: Cardiovascular surgery

Career: 1975-79, Surgeon, Lund University; 1981-83, Lecturer leading to Associate Professor, Lund University; 1983-90, Kuwait University; 1990-92, Cardiovascular surgeon, Sion, Switzerland; 1992-99, Hôpital de la Tour, Geneva; 1999-2003 Senior cardiovascular surgeon, University Hospital, Geneva. Since October 1, 2003 Deputy head, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, University Hospital of Geneva.

Retired 2012

Publications: Over 260 scientific papers in the field of cardiovascular surgery, phlebology and traumatology. He has presented over 270 abstracts at international and national medical conferences.

Editorials:Peer reviewer for numerous scientific journals.

Awards and Honours: Multiple research awards in Sweden, Kuwait, and Switzerland.

Achievements: Co-founder and Secretary General Global Forum on Humanitarian Medicine in Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Geneva, Switzerland, since 2003. Member steering committee of the International Quality Improvement Collaborative (IQCI) for Congenital Heart Disease: Improving Care in Low- and Middle Income Countries since 2007.

e-mail : jantchristenson@gmail.com

Address: Geneva, Switzerland