Income inequality and poverty in Greece during the recent economic, fiscal and Covid-19 crises

SCAD No 33
Published: Mar 1, 2022
2022-03-01 (1)
Income Inequality, Poverty, Social Exclusion, Economic Crisis, Coronavirus Pandemic
Chara Vavoura
Ioannis Vavouras

The issues of income distribution and poverty
are among the most important socioeconomic
problems and the approach to their
solution reveals to some extent a country’s
level of economic and social development.
Greece's performance on these topics is still
bellow the corresponding averages of the Eurozone,
although in recent decades there has
been a tendency to converge, albeit with fluctuations.
The main purpose of this paper is to
investigate whether the economic and fiscal
crisis of the period 2010-2016 and the Covid-
19 pandemic have affected the distribution
of income and the level of poverty in Greece.

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Author Biographies
Chara Vavoura, National and Kapodistrian Univesrsity of Athens

Chara Vavoura is Postdoctoral Researcher of Economics at the Department of Economics, University
of Athens. She studied Economics at the Athens University of Economics and Business, the
University of Oxford and the University of Nottingham. (Corresponding author: Chara Vavoura,
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Gripario Megaro, Sofokleous 1 & Aristidou 11,
Athens, 10559. e-mail:

Ioannis Vavouras, Panteion University

Ioannis Vavouras is Professor Emeritus of Economic Policy at Panteion University of Social and
Political Sciences. He was elected three times as Head of the Department of Public Administration
of Panteion University and two times as Rector of Panteion University. He has about 160
scientific publications [24 books (2 of them in English), 114 journal articles, volume chapters and
discussion papers (53 of them in English) and 21 articles in Greek periodicals]. Finally, he has more
than 50 contributions in conferences, seminars and graduate programs.

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