Regulation and reforms of the Greek National Health System: comparisons with the European experience

Published: Apr 13, 2016
Health care system health policy health system reforms Greece Europe
Λίλα Αντωνοπούλου

The Greek National Health System (ESY) has
undergone many attempts for reform. The
fi rst one is traced back during the fi rst years
after its foundation in 1983 and the last one
is dated during 2005. Following a description
of the characteristics and the development
of the ESY, this study reviews the tendencies
of its reforms interpreting them according to
criteria which stem from the Greek experience
of economic and social development. The
comparison of the ESY’s development with
the potential outcomes of the national health
systems of other European countries, due
to recent reforms, is approached from the
perspective that these reforms have the
tendency to transfer the weight of fi nancing,
especially in the case of the public hospital,
away from the national budget upon private
family budgets.

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