Flexibility and security (flexicurity): a critical approach

Published: Apr 13, 2016
Flexibility security industrial relations Danish example
Γιάννης Κουζής

The combination of flexibility and security entails
an inherent contradiction between these
two competing poles, to such a degree that –as
evidenced by the practices related to the recognition
of the rights of those working under
flexible terms– the so-called balance between
them remains a mere declaration. Furthermore,
the liberalization of dismissals counterbalanced
by ensured reintegration of the unemployed,
based on the Danish example, cannot be universally
applied due to its specificities. Lastly,
questions arise relating to the nature of security
following reintegration and the possibility
of passing the responsibility from firms to society,
thereby widening social inequalities and
deregulating industrial relations and labor law
under re-regulation.

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