Immigrant women-domestic workers and “transnational” family

Published: Apr 13, 2016
Immigration domestic work “transnational” family
Κατερίνα Βασιλικού

In this paper, there is an effort to make a
classifi cation of the family relations of the
immigrant women who come to Greece
from Eastern Europe and the Balkans to
work as domestic workers. First, we have a
presentation of the state of research about
‘transnational’ families and of the relevant
terminology. Then, from a biographical
research on these women and on the basis of
their testimonies we see that the separation
and the reunion are the two limits of
existence of the transnational family. Women
fi nd ways of keeping the family united and at
the same time they defi ne largely in this way
their identity. Finally, a categorization of the
family ties of immigrant women shows that
the relation parents-children is the more
decisive for the existence of the transnational

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