Inequality and poverty in Greece before and after the crisis in energy prices

Published: Apr 13, 2016
Redistribution impact poverty inequality energy prices
Δήμητρα Αγγελοπούλου
Σταύρος Ζωγραφάκης
Παναγιώτης Σύψας

The present work estimates the implications
of an increase in energy prices on social
indices of poverty and inequality. It examines
how much the inconvenience of households
from the changes in prices of energy products
is analogous to their income. Such products
are heating oil and transportation, gasoline
and natural gas for domestic use. Apart of the
direct effect, because all of the above goods
are linked directly with the international
price of oil and natural gas, we also
examine secondary impacts connected with
international prices of energy products, such
as electricity and public transportations.
For this purpose, we use household income
data from the last Household Budget Survey
(HBS) which covers the entire population
of Greece conducted from February 2004
to January 2005 by the National Statistical
Service of Greece (NSSG) and took into
account the increases in prices as computed
by Consumer Price index for the period July
2007 – July 2008.

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