Professionalism and the Medical Profession

Published: Apr 13, 2016
Professionalism professionalisation health professionals medical profession
Μαρία Δούκα
The aim of this article is to describe the concept of professionalism, resulting from the practice perspective of a profession. Special reference will be placed on the medical profession and its dynamic role in the health system. Theoretical approaches regarding professionalisation, as a process through which a profession is achieving professionalism, as well as, mechanisms that contribute to the exclusion of other professionals to practice a profession are included in this article. Moreover, issues concerning the specific body of knowledge, autonomy, power and control, code of ethics and the regulation of entry by self-governing bodies, as well as the wide acceptance of society are all important in a distinctive occupational identity. Regarding the medical profession, the fact that decisions are made on patients behalf, results in a higher status among caring professions. On the contrary, for the same reasons there is criticism about the quality of its professionalism.
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