The consequences of low status work upon immigrants’ work organization: The case of Bangladeshis in Athens

Published: Apr 13, 2016
Low status work immigrant work associations Bangladeshis representation decollectivization
Θεόδωρος Φούσκας
The article examines the repercussions of work and employment in low status jobs upon the organization, representation and participation of immigrants in collectivities which emerge from work. The micro-sociological analysis focuses on the case of Bangladeshi immigrants in Athens and the extent to which their work and employment affects their participation in the immigrant work association “Bangladeshi Immigrant Workers’ Union of Greece” and Greek trade unions. The majority of Bangladeshis appear to deny membership of their work association and avoid claiming their work rights. On the contrary, immigrants develop individualistic behaviours, rely on informal secondary networks in search of solidarity and adopt alternative strategies of survival and protection.
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