The Public Discourse on Flexicurity: Reading Greek, Portuguese and English newspapers

Published: Apr 13, 2016
Discourse flexicurity reform employment policy
Σοφία Μιχαλάκη

The aim of the paper is to present the flexicurity
discourse as it unfolds in European quality
press columns, through which governments
communicate to the public the need and appropriateness
of their reform program, thereby attempting
to legitimize it. Section one discusses
the importance of discourse to (reform driven)
change. Section two presents a short history of
the concept and the policy of flexicurity, discusses
the contents of the flexicurity discourse
and emphasizes its importance. Section three
outlines the flexicurity discourse in three EU
member states with no corporatist tradition,
namely Greece, Portugal and the UK, as it unfolds
in national quality press columns. The last
section concludes.

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