Migrant Integration Councils and social inclusion policy of third country nationals

Published: Apr 13, 2016
Migrant Integration Councils Inclusion policy Social cohesion
Μάρκος Παπακωνσταντής
The introduction of Migrant Integration Councils (MICs) through the Kallikratis bill (Law 3852/2010) created low expectations as to their impact on social cohesion. This comes as no surprise given that the economic crisis has made Greek society more introverted while also creating a sense of insecurity among migrants. The latter comes as a result of the increasing difficulty in accessing the eligibility conditions for acquiring a residence permit, as well as the lack of future prospects. As both central and local government did not support the new institution, its existence is in question even in those municipalities where it still exists (though underperforming). The National Strategy for the social inclusion of third country nationals, published by the Ministry of Interior in April 2013 is currently the only existing blueprint for strengthening the participation of migrants at local level in general and the role of MICs in particular.
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