Industrial Relations in Greece: Βetween “concertation” and “decentralization”

Published: Apr 13, 2016
Greece Social Pacts Corporatism Social Dialogue Collective Bargaing
Χριστίνα Καρακιουλάφη
Ανδρέας Μοσχονάς

In recent years, due to EU recommendations and restrictions, as well as to the predominance of a more consensus climate within the industrial relations field, one can observe the establishment of different types of social concertation, taking mainly the form of the so-called “Social Pacts”. In this article we will try to examine the case of Greece in order to understand whether we can talk about a new form of concertation or not, when taking into consideration the evolutions in the collective bargaining and social dialogue area, or in a broader sense the developments regarding workers participation in the elaboration of socioeconomic policy.

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