Aktinotechnologia: Announcements https://ejournals.epublishing.ekt.gr/index.php/akttechj <p><strong>AKTINOTECHNOLOGIA</strong> is the journal of Greek Radiographers. It was first published in 1998 by the former Society of TEI Graduate Radiographers in Greece, now known as the Society of Radiographers in Greece.</p> <p>The journal aims to promote Radiographic Science by publishing articles and studies related to Radiographers' scientific and professional entity and their collaboration with other health professionals.</p> <p><strong>CALL FOR PAPERS</strong></p> <p>We invite submissions for our upcoming issue, seeking contributions (Greek or English language) covering a broad spectrum of topics, including but not limited to:</p> <p>- innovative imaging and therapeutic techniques,</p> <p>- safety and radiation protection in medical imaging, radiation therapy and nuclear medicine,</p> <p>- patient-centred care in medical imaging, radiation therapy and nuclear medicine,</p> <p>- professional development and lifelong learning for radiographers,</p> <p>- interdisciplinary collaborations.</p> <p>We encourage radiographers, researchers, academics, students and all healthcare professionals to share their insights and experiences in shaping the future of radiography. Submissions should offer novel perspectives, practical insights, or research findings that contribute to advancing the field of radiography.</p> <p><strong><a href="https://ejournals.epublishing.ekt.gr/index.php/akttechj/login">Manuscript submission</a></strong></p> el-GR Mon, 20 Jan 2025 09:55:04 +0200 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Call for Papers – AKTINOTECHNOLOGIA, Issue 36-2025 https://ejournals.epublishing.ekt.gr/index.php/akttechj/announcement/view/454 <p>The <strong>AKTINOTECHNOLOGIA</strong> journal invites the scientific and research community to submit original articles for the upcoming Issue 36, scheduled for publication in 2025. Our journal publishes articles that advance scientific knowledge and innovation in radiography, radiation therapy, nuclear medicine and related disciplines.</p> <p>All submitted manuscripts will undergo a double-blind peer review process.</p> <p>For more information regarding the thematic areas, author guidelines, and submission process, please visit the journal's website:</p> <p><a href="https://ejournals.epublishing.ekt.gr/index.php/akttechj/about/submissions"><strong>MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSION</strong></a></p> <p>Sincerely,</p> <p>The Editorial Team of <strong>AKTINOTECHNOLOGIA</strong></p> https://ejournals.epublishing.ekt.gr/index.php/akttechj/announcement/view/454 Mon, 20 Jan 2025 09:55:04 +0200