Private property, labour and the transformation of Political Economy in 1844 Manuscripts

Published: Jun 23, 2024
Ontology Dialectics Negation Alienation Sublation Science Philosophy Political-economic fact
Evgenia Thanopoulou

This paper intends to show that, from a methodological point of view, the 1844 Manuscripts are an integral part of the Marxist corpus and not an "epistemological break". Marx thematizes the object of Political Economy (1844 Manuscripts) by transforming its discourse. Then, proceeds to the analysis of the capitalist economy (Capital), using the revised categories of Political Economy. However, a necessary condition for such a reading is the non-ignorance of Marx's ontology. Marx reverses the Hegelian dialectics based on the relationship between man and nature. Starting from the social practice (labour), Marx sublates the contradictions between private property and labour, on the level of content, and that between Political Economy and Philosophy (necessity and freedom), on the level of discourse. Their mutual passage renders possible the transfer of the object to reality as a reflection or as a product of thinking (a real thing). Thematizing the political-economic fact, Marx returns to social being, sublating social oppositions too.

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