Scorecard Methodology for Quantitative Management of Digital Transformation Project Portfolios

Published: Jan 30, 2025
Project Portfolio Management Digital Transformation Scorecard Key Performance Indicator Transformation Portfolio
Ioannis Soldatos

This article introduces a Scorecard-like methodology for ranking digital transformation projects within large-scale project portfolios. The methodology can be used for prioritizing project monitoring, auditing, and implementation processes in the scope of Project Portfolio Management (PPM) frameworks. It is not limited to general guidelines for building a scorecard but rather presents concrete quantitative criteria for scoring and ranking different projects within a portfolio. The methodology is empowered by configurable formulas that can be flexibly customized to the needs of different portfolios. This flexibility is illustrated in the paper along with limitations of the proposed methodologies that stem from the accuracy and quality of the data used for scoring the projects.

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Author Biography
Ioannis Soldatos

Electrical & Computer Engineer, Honorary Research Fellow University of Glasgow, Consultant

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