Η παρουσία και η διάδοση της πρώιμης αττικής ερυθρόμορφης κεραμικής στη Μαύρη Θάλασσα (525-480 π.Χ.)

The diffusion of early attic red-figured pottery in the Black Sea area (525-480 BC). This study presents a detailed discussion on the pattern of diffusion of early attic red-figured vases in the Black Sea Area. 80 vases are collected, mostly from Northern Black Sea sites. A representative series of vases is analyzed according to shape and iconography, and classified by painter andworkshop. The output of major painters and workshops in the Black Sea is discussed (Psiax,Oltos, Epiktetos, Euphronios, the Pithos Painter, the Nicosthenes and Kachrylion workshops, etc.). The overall pattern of diffusion of early red-figured vases in the Black Sea area and in Etruria corresponds quite closely. It is argued that Aeginetan and Ionian sailors are responsible for the fact that vases from same workshops appear both in the Black Sea area and Thasos, as in Etruria, although these vases are used locally in different ways. After 490-480, the scheme changes: the Black Sea Region now belongs to commercial routes that link Athens with Asia Minor and the Levant as well.
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- EULIMENE 6-7 (2005-2006)
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- Articles
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