Μετάλλινα αγγεία από την επανέκθεση του αρχαιολογικού μουσείου Ρόδου

Metal vessels in the new exhibition in the archaeological museum of Rhodes. The article presents an overview of the metallurgy of Rhodes from the late 9th to the 5th c. BC, with the first presentation of some metal artifacts, especially luxury vessels, previously scarcely published. The vessels examined are mostly from the Italian excavations at the cemeteries of Ialysos and Kameiros and from the votive deposits of the sanctuaries at Lindos, Ialysos and Kameiros. The development of metal ware during early historical times on Rhodes can be traced in a series of luxury vessels, undecorated bronze bowls and basins, and a small number of decorated bronze and silver bowls, imported to Rhodes from the Νear East, especially from Phrygia, north Syria and Mesopotamia, lands with a long tradition in the art of metallurgy. Among these imported vessels from Rhodes are bronze and silver omphalos bowls of the 8th and 7th c. B.C. and silver phialai with relief decoration cast in moulds, typical of Achaemenid art of the late 6th and 5th c. B.C. in the Near East and the Black Sea. Bronze cinerary urns and oinochoai of the 7th-5th c. BC. are among the artefacts which were probably made in the West, in Etruria and South Italy; some, however, were probably made locally in South East Aegean or in Rhodes.
Article Details
- Issue
- EULIMENE 6-7 (2005-2006)
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- Articles
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