Use of mine planning software for the evaluation of resources and reserves of a sedimentary nickel deposit

Published: Jan 21, 2013
Geostatistics Pit optimisation Reporting standards
I. Kapageridis
A. Apostolikas
S. Pappas
I. Zevgolis

The use of mine planning software in the evaluation of deposits and estimation of mineral resources and reserves has become widespread and is considered a prerequisite for the reporting of reserves according to international reporting standards and codes. The main principles of operation and application of these codes are transparency of reported material, the relevance of reported information (materiality) and the competence of people involved in producing the reports. The application of specialised mine planning software described in this paper currently takes place at operational mines of sedimentary nickel deposits in Central Evia, Greece. It involves all stages of processing of exploration data including entry, analysis, processing and modelling of data, geostatistical estimation of quantities and qualities of mineral resources and mineral reserves, and the design, optimisation and scheduling of mining operations.

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  • Exploration and Exploitation of Mineral Resources
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