Cardiac Care in Belize: Building a Local, Sustainable Program from “Square One” Cardiac Care in Belize

Published: Sep 8, 2022
cardiology cardiac surgery Belize
Eric Skipper, MD, FACS
Theresa Johnson
Francis Robicsek, MD

Objectives:  The authors explore building a sustainable cardiac program in Belize from ground zero.  

Methods:  Leveraging previously proven experience and expertise of Francis Robicsek, MD PhD in Guatemala, the authors outline the steps taken to duplicate the program.

Results:  A 5-year commitment timeline between the supporting organization and the host medical facility in Belize is the first step toward achieving sustainability. We are already seeing results through advance training and hiring of healthcare providers.

Conclusion:  “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.  Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”(1)  Our role is to provide assistance and support, so that we leave competent and skilled medical professionals behind to assess, diagnose and treat current and future generations.

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  • Section
  • Humanitarian Projects in Cardiovascular Medicine
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Author Biography
Francis Robicsek, MD, Atrium Health Carolinas Medical Center/Heineman-Robicsek Foundation, Inc.

Since the writing of this paper, sadly Dr. Francis Robicsek passed away on April 3rd, 2020. 

1976 Copyright, Africa: From Mystery to Maze, Edited by Helen Kitchen, Series: Critical Choicesfor Americans, Volume XI, Section: The Search for an Aid Policy, Quote Page 391, Published by Lexington Books of D.C. Health and Company, Lexington, Massachusetts. ISBN 10 0669004251.
Statistical Institute of Belize, (30 June 2021), National poverty rate at 52 percent in 2018, unemployment rate at 11.2 percent in April 2021, economy contracts 8.4 percent in the first quarter 2021, consumer prices up 2.8 percent, and both imports and exports up 58.2 percent and 23.8 percent respectively. URL:,National%20poverty%20rate%20at%2052%20percent%20in%202018%2C%20unemployment%20rate,percent%20and%2023.8%20percent%20respectively
WHO, (2018), Guatemala, Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) Country Profiles. URL:
Robicsek F: Founding surgeon reflects on 25 years of UNICAR, the Guatemalan Heart Institute. Bull Am Coll Surg. 2014; 99(9):38-41.
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