Igor Taraban



Igor Taraban, born in 1966 in Kharkov, Ukraine. In 1989 he graduated with honors from the Kharkov Medical Institute, PhD (1992).

Doctor of Medical Sciences (2003), Professor (2005), Professor of the Department of Surgery No. 1 of the Kharkov National Medical University (since 2004).

Deputy Editor-in-Chief of journals: “Science and Practice” (National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine), “Scientific Journal of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”, “Kharkov Surgical School”, “Clinical Genetics and Perinatal Diagnostics” and the scientific digest of works “Surgical Perspective”.

Member of the editorial boards of the journals “Surgery News” (Belarus), “Emergency Conditions in Medicine”, “Experimental and Clinical Medicine”, “Medicine Today and Tomorrow”, “Inter Collegas”.

He is the author of more than 575 scientific works, including 22 monographs, 4 textbooks and 1 textbook for students of medical universities, 37 ukrainian patents for inventions.