
Published: May 26, 2024
Dimitris Kouis

The first paper presents the research that has been made on prediction models using deep learning methods with data retrieved from mimic III database and to identify challenges and possible areas for future research. Literature research was conducted for articles related to MIMIC III and prediction models related to the database published from 2016 to 2021. The following paper discusses the opinions and perceptions of undergraduate students in Greek Universities regarding plagiarism. It is worth pointing out that the vast majority of the undergraduate students replied that they knew the term plagiarism (98,3%). On the other hand, below half the student population said they had not been trained in academic writing and, consequently, how to avoid plagiarism. The next paper deals with the difficulties and problems during an Open Online Personalized Learning Environment for Vocational Education and Training implementation phase. The main focus was threefold, namely: a) the evaluation of the deviation in achieving the design objectives, b) the detailed report on the difficulties and problems in the implementation phase, and, finally, c) the possible problems of future uses as the environment operates through the Panhellenic School Network. The article is that recording the difficulties mediates an assessment of the result, allowing one to observe what has been achieved and improving similar future actions. The last paper examines Greek citizens' awareness regarding the necessity of transitioning from the traditional medical record to the Electronic Health Record. The research methodology was based on bibliographic and qualitative tools to achieve the above purpose. An interesting finding is that the younger participants with higher education levels had a more positive opinion about the advantages arising from the implementation of Electronic Health.

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