Showcasing sepulchral heritage through cultural routes and activities The views and opinions of the “audience” of the Anastasis Cemetery in Piraeus

Published: Aug 6, 2024
Online audience research The Anastasis Cemetery (“Cemetery of Resurrection”) of Piraeus Funerary cultural heritage Management of cultural heritage Cultural routes Cultural tourism
Georgios Dermitzoglou

Purpose - Cemeteries, intrinsically linked to the history of people and communities, are places of historical remembrance and significant witnesses to local history. However, their abundant written and artistic testimonies often remain obscure, primarily due to the association of these sites with death and decay. The Anastasis Cemetery (“Cemetery of Resurrection”) in the Evgenia Drapetsona area of Piraeus is a noteworthy case. Numerous funerary monuments attest to the presence of prominent families from Piraeus, who have contributed to the historical development and shaping of the city's identity. The purpose of this article is twofold: first, to highlight the "voices" of the cemetery audience regarding the sepulchral heritage of Piraeus, focusing on its preservation, enhancement, and utilisation; and second, to suggest ways for the transformation and cultural revitalisation of the burial site, primarily through cultural routes and various activities.

Design/methodology/approach - To study the attitudes and opinions of the audience at the Anastasis Cemetery, an online survey was conducted over approximately one year. This digital approach proved effective, resulting in a considerable number of completed questionnaires. Participants from municipalities in Attica were invited to engage, provided they had prior familiarity with the Cemetery and had visited it at least once. In total, the survey engaged 104 participants.

Findings - The research highlighted the participants' attitudes and opinions on issues related to the use of the burial site, as well as its educational and cultural utilisation through activities, art exhibitions, lectures, tours, and workshops, while always considering its primary function and users. Additionally, it identifies ways in which the audience could contribute to the management of the burial site.

Originality/value - This research introduces, for the first time, the issue of showcasing and utilizing Greek funerary heritage, examining the "voices" of the cemetery audience, which constitutes the users of the space.

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Author Biography
Georgios Dermitzoglou, Harokopio University of Athens, Department of Economics and Sustainable Development, Greece

Georgios Dermitzoglou is a PhD candidate at the Department of Economics and Sustainable Development at Harokopio University of Athens, focusing on the funerary sculpture of the Anastasis Cemetery in Piraeus. He holds a degree in History and Archaeology from the University of Ioannina and has completed postgraduate studies in "Education & Culture" (M.Sc., Harokopio University) and "Archaeology of the Eastern Mediterranean: Greece, Egypt, the Near East" (M.A., University of the Aegean). His specialisation includes Special Education, the Design of Museum Exhibitions, and Educational Programmes. He has experience as an archaeologist at the Ephorates of Antiquities in Greece, as a teacher in Secondary Education and Special Education Programmes, and as an associate scientific researcher.

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