
Published: Dec 23, 2024
Artemis Chaleplioglou

In the beginning, the nature of information is explored. The perspective of information in the realm of reality is explored in natural, physical, and measurement settings. Firstly, the information on natural signals versus noise is analyzed through physical measurements of speech experiments. Secondly, the information in classifying relative things into groups is analyzed by clustering flowers. A method for the selection of the appropriate number of clusters in the K-Means clustering process is presented.

The following paper is a literature review on citation indexes. The published comparisons between Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar have been explored through a literature survey covering the era between 2004 and 2021. The majority of works utilize multiple citation indexes in their research taking advantage of their unique features.

The third paper is about the physical and digital storytelling of the Asia Minor refugees after the end of the Greco-Turkish war in 1922 in Attica, Greece. The project aims to deliver the refugees' experiences through guided tours and approaches for younger audiences, such as a coloring book, a narrative card game, and an activity book. The phygitality, the hybrid experience with augmented reality has been used as a delivery tool of heritage information.

Finaly, graph databases and neural networks of large-scale data derived from social networks are presented. An IMDB dataset of movies and people contributing to a film has been used in the data modeling, querying, and graph representation paradigm.

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Author Biography
Artemis Chaleplioglou

Artemis Chaleplioglou is an Assistant Professor of Health Information Science in the Department Archival, Library & Information Studies at the University of West Attica. She is a faculty member of the Information Management Laboratory of the University of West Attica.

She holds a PhD from the Ionian University, Department of Archives, Library Science & Museology on “Modern web technologies and information services: development, application and evaluation of novel librarianship tools and services”. She obtained a Master’s Degree in “Information Science – Organization and Management of Libraries”, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Archives, Library Science & Museology from the same University.

She served as Director of the Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens Library and Editions Department from 2005 to 2023.

She was a post-doctoral researcher at the Ionian University, Department of Archives, Library Science & Museology between 2018 and 2022, and she served under an Academic Scholarship in the Department Archival, Library & Information Studies at the University of West Attica between 2020 and 2023.

She developed the Thesaurus of Medical and Biological Terms in Greek and English languages of the Greek National Documentation Centre in 2008 under the funding of the framework program “Development and Distribution of Librarianship Tools”.

She published the “Bibliographic Guide of Bibliometrics” for Kallipos, Open Academic Editions in 2022 (https://dx.doi.org/10.57713/kallipos-41)

She served as a Council Member of Greece in the European Association of Health Information Libraries (EAHIL) after general elections between 2008-2009, 2018-2022, and she has been reelected in 2023 (https://eahil.eu/about-eahil/council/).

Her research work has been published in international peer-reviewed journals and congresses. She is a peer-reviewer in academic journals of Information Science and Informatics (Scientometrics, JOLIS, BMC Bioinformatics, and more).

Research interests: Information Science, Librarianship, Health Libraries, Semantic Web, and Bibliometrics