Ρηματική υποκατάσταση στις νεοελληνικές διαλέκτους του εσωτερικού της Μικράς Ασίας

This paper aims to contribute to the study of verbal suppletion in Modern Greek, and especially in Modern Greek varieties belonging to the group of East Asia Minor Greek (Cappadocia, Pharasa and Silli). In the main part of our study we present and discuss various cases of this suppletion focusing both on the diachrony of certain verbal paradigms as well as factors such as the frequency of use and the similarity or closeness of meaning between the verbal forms involved in suppletion. Our data show that verbal suppletion instances in East Asia Minor Greek could be either inherited from previous stages of Greek, or (more or less) innovative ones such as the suppletive use of Aorist forms of δίνω and ποιώ. Furthermore, there seems to be a certain variation between the dialects under study concerning which verbal forms function suppletively for certain paradigms. Last but not least, as is the case of verbal suppletion cross-linguistically, a distinction can be made between overlapping and non-overlapping cases, as well as between directional and non-directional ones.
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