The long-term effect of childhood trauma and alexithymia on mental distress during the COVID-19 pandemic in Greece

Published: Sep 7, 2024
childhood trauma, emotional abuse, alexithymia, depression, anxiety, resilience, COVID-19
Tanya Anagnostopoulou
Argyroula Kalaitzaki
George Tsouvelas
Alexandra Tamiolaki

The study investigated the effect of childhood trauma, alexithymia, and other psychological risk and resilience factors on peripandemic mental distress in Greece. Alexithymia was hypothesized to mediate the association between early trauma and COVID-19-related anxiety and depression. A sample of 557 adults was recruited through a web-based study and self-reported questionnaires of childhood trauma, emotional regulation, psychological attributes, depression, and anxiety were collected. Statistical analyses included hierarchical multiple regressions and structural equation modeling. Childhood emotional abuse was associated with higher levels of anxiety and depression and this association was partially mediated by the difficulty to identify feelings. In addition, psychological attributes indicating resilience or vulnerability were associated with higher or lower levels of mental distress, respectively. Pandemic factors were not significant. This research highlights the long-term effects of early trauma and alexithymia compromising mental health during a global health threat, such as COVID-19, and points to the significance of emotion regulation in public health prevention and intervention programs.

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Tanya Anagnostopoulou, Hellenic Institute of Psychology and Health

Κλινική Ψυχολόγος

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