Public Services Coproduction: A conceptual review based on the relationship between the Citizen and the State

Published: Dec 30, 2023
Coproduction, Co-creation, Ac￾tive Citizenship, New Public Governance, NPG.
George Sarantidis

Public service coproduction is the term used to indicate the active involvement of the citizen/service-user in the process of design and production of that service. The evolu-tion of the concept of Citizenship into that of Active Citizenship and the role attribut-ed to the Citizen-Coproducer, has led scientists to support the idea of a quasi-renegotiation of the traditional Social Contract into a new context based on principles of the coproduction paradigm. The article argues that Coproduction is no panacea: participation in itself can become the antidote neither to the social inequalities nor the absence of balance between the various social groups

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Author Biography
George Sarantidis, University of Peloponnese

Mr. George Sarantidis is a doctoral candidate in the Dept. of Social and Political Studies of the
University of Peloponnese. He holds a Master’s Degree in Local and Regional Development and a
Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science. Professionally, he is employed as a senior Systems Analyst
and Designer, DPO and Quality Manager at the Hellenic Agency for Local Development and Local
Government (EETAA) SA. Contact:

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