The origin of the immigrant women and their integration in Greek society

Published: Apr 13, 2016
Migration domestic workers social services discretionary policies
Κούλα Κασιμάτη

The meaning of the term social integration
is circmscribed for the study of immigrant
women from Albania, the Ukraine and Poland,
who have settled in our country as domestic
assistants. The characteristics of their
immigration are portrayed and compared
according to nationality. Furthermore, the
immigration stradegy, adopted at the legal
level and the level of the labour market, is
explored. Elements of the social integration
of immigrant women are: the environment of
their social associations; their relations with
the Greek social services in the sectors of
health, education, the services of organization
of employment (OΑΕΔ), and the Institution
of Social Security (IKA). The origin of the
immigrant women differetiates the degree of
their integration in Greek society and the way
they are treated by the Greeks.

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