Immigrant “communities” and work representation: The consequences of low-status work of five immigrant groups regarding participation in their work association

Published: Apr 13, 2016
Immigrants low-status work immigrant work associations representation decollectivization
Theodoros Fouskas

The article focuses on the repercussions of
work and employment in low-status jobs upon
the collective organization and representation
of immigrant workers. The micro-sociological
analysis focuses on the cases of Egyptian,
Albanian, Bangladeshi, Palestinian and
Philippine immigrants in Athens and on how
the frame of their work and their employment
affects their participation in their immigrant
work associations and Greek trade unions
as well. Evidence from in-depth interviews
proves that the majority of immigrants
does not acquire membership in their work
associations and does not claim its work
rights. On the contrary, they are supported
by friendly and relative networks in search
of solidarity; they develop individualistic
behaviors and find alternative solutions for
survival and protection.

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