Best practices in liaising between the police and social services in confronting incidents of domestic violence

Veröffentlicht: Apr 13, 2016
Sevaste Chatzifotiou
Eleni Fotou
Ignatios Moisides
The police are often the first port of call for victims of domestic abuse who decide to officially report the violence they are subjected to. In Greece, however, the role of the police in confronting such incidents is not fully appreciated by the public. This leads to a lower number of reported cases than anticipated. This paper aims to demonstrate the role of police officers in confronting incidents of domestic violence, in particular with respect to the training and efficiency displayed in practice. As victims of domestic violence frequently require the assistance of social services, effective liaising between victims and the police is necessary for an effective response in such cases. The present study demonstrates how existing channels of liaising between the police and social services in the prefecture of Kavala in Northern Greece may provide us with a model of best practice.
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Sevaste Chatzifotiou, Democritus University of Thrace

Sevaste Chatzifotiou is a social worker by profession and works as an assistant professor at the
Democritus University of Thrace, Department of Social Administration and Political Science, in the
Northern Greece. She has published a number of scientific papers on issues of gender equalities,
family violence, research methods and social work. Furthermore, she published a book on Domestic
Violence and Social Work (Tziolas, 2005), and is the scientific supervisor of a book on good practice
guidelines on dealing with victims of domestic violence for social work practitioners (Cyprus, 2013).
Finally, she is the editor of a book on Ethics and Values in Social Work (BASW) where she worked
on the translation and editing from English to Greek (Gutenberg, 2014).

Eleni Fotou, Democritus University of Thrace

Eleni Fotou is a psychology graduate from the University of Utah (BS’02) specializing in forensics.
She is a Phd Candidate at Democritus University of Thrace, conducting research on Intimate Partner
Homicide. She works as a psychologist at the Institute for the Prevention and Treatment of Violence
and the Promotion of Gender Equality “VIA-STOP”. She has been involved as a research assistant in
the following studies: a)Space-odor relations in hippocampal regions in rats (Dr Ray Kesner), b) Early
experiences effects in the immune system (Dr. Bill Henry), d) Prognostic factors of school violencebullying
in preadolescents (Dr Frances Deviney), e)Long term effects of Viagra use in marital life
(Dr Don Strassberg), f) Pedophile characteristics-prognostic factors of repeat offenders (Dr Don

Ignatios Moisides, Hellenic Police Force

Ignatios Moesides is a Police Officer, having the Rank of Police Captain. He has achieved a degree
in Sociology from the Department of Social and Political Studies Panteion University (2003). He
has received training in Domestic Violence and Sexual Crimes from the department of Continuing
Education of the Greek Police Academy and has written articles on domestic violence, pedophilia
and child criminal behavior on journals such as “Heitros”, “Apopseis”, etc. He is a member of the
Institute of Prevention and Treatment of Violence and the Promotion of Gender Equality “VIASTOP”.

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