Sex education and sex behaviour in Greek adolescents: a research review

Veröffentlicht: Απρ 13, 2016
Katerina Vassilikou
Elisabeth Ioannidi – Kapolou
The sexual behaviour of Greek adolescents is studied in this paper through a research review. Young people facing sexuality often feel shame, fear and frustration and have strong concerns about contraception and the spread of AIDS. Sex education is still not included as a compulsory course in the school curriculum and adolescents are not well informed about sexual issues with those in the urban centres being better informed. For Greek adolescents accurate and constant information is necessary in order to alter the persisting stereotypes concerning sexuality leading to misconceptions in sexual and reproductive health.
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Katerina Vassilikou, Academy of Athens

Catherine Vassilikou (Ph.D. in Social Sciences–Sociology, University of Paris 1-Panthéon-
Sorbonne) is a social scientist and actually works at the Research Center for Greek Society of the
Academy of Athens. Her fields of interest are sociology of health, women’s migration, domestic
work, migratory networks and ‘transnational’ family. She has written a book on Immigrant
Women and Human Rights and published several articles on the above issues. She has participated
in European projects of social research as a researcher and expert. She is currently involved in a
project on the effects of the economic crisis on migrant domestic workers.

Elisabeth Ioannidi – Kapolou, National School of Public Health

Elizabeth Ioannidi-Kapolou has studied sociology at the City College, City University in New
York and has worked for twenty two years as a senior researcher at the Department of Sociology
in the National School of Public Health in Athens where she was also teaching “Research methods
in Social Sciences”. She has also taught for five years at the Greek Open University, Dept. of
Social Sciences “Social and Psychological dimensions of Health and Illness”. She has participated
in many European Research projects mainly related to sexual behaviour and HIV/AIDS, social
exclusion, social integration of minority groups, and socio-cultural diversities in migrants’ health.