Tomorrow’s public hospital in Greece: Managing health care in the post crisis era

Veröffentlicht: Απρ 13, 2016
Panos Minogiannis

The management of the hospitals (defined
as the attempt for optimum performance
via appropriate cycles of planning, deciding,
evaluating, and reviewing), transcends all
the functional parameters of the production
and provision of health services. Tomorrow’s
public hospital in Greece demands a
new managerial approach. This approach
would sufficiently answer to the main four
problematic conundrum of today: the perverse
unaccountability of medical subjectivity, the
obsolete management model, the lack of
human resources management tools and the
unhealthy financing of hospitals. Tomorrow’s
hospital would respect the autonomy of the
medical profession while at the same time
would demand scientific accountability,
would utilize modern organizational tools
to manage its human resources in order to
produce effectively and efficiently quality
services and finally would measure its
performance on a case by case basis.

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