Confronting homelessness in Greece during at time of crisis

Veröffentlicht: Apr 18, 2016
Nikos Kourachanis

This article attempts to examine the policies for confronting homelessness in Greece during the crisis. The thesis proposed is that, regardless of the signs of a significant deterioration in the problem of homelessness, a range of policies has been developed that focus on the management of its most extreme and publicly visible manifestations. Social interventions are inadequate, fragmented, repressive in their nature, and with a strong emphasis on charity. This can be seen in the emphasis given to developing emergency services centered on in-kind provisions. The main burden of implementing these services is mainly borne by civil society, with extensive non-state fund-raising to supports its activities. This fact entails wider connotations for the “new” form of social policy that is emerging.

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Nikos Kourachanis, Panteion University

Nikos Kourachanis is a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Faculty of Political Science and History of Panteion University. His research interests focus on social policy issues, with an emphasis on phenomena of social exclusion, migration and homelessness. E-mail:

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