“The Declaration on the Common Language”: A View from the Inside
The editor of the special issue of AWPEL on former Yugoslavia has kindly invited me to provide the journal’s readership with more information on this document, evaluated in distinctly negative terms by Professor Christian Voß in his contribution to the present collection of articles. I will gladly do so, in my capacity as a native speaker of Serbo-Croatian, a consultant in the drafting process of the Declaration and one of its initial signatories and public supporters. [...]
Λεπτομέρειες άρθρου
- Πώς να δημιουργήσετε Αναφορές
Bugarski, R. (2020). “The Declaration on the Common Language”: A View from the Inside. Aegean Working Papers in Ethnographic Linguistics, 2(2), 23–29. https://doi.org/10.12681/awpel.22595
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Τα δεδομένα λήψης δεν είναι ακόμη διαθέσιμα.
Bugarski, R. 2018. Govorite li zajednički? Kako je nastala i kako je primljena Deklaracija o zajedničkom jeziku [Do you speak Common? The origin and reception of the Declaration on the common language]. Belgrade: Biblioteka XX vek.
Bugarski, R. (forthcoming 2019). “A lingua communis in the Western Balkans?” To appear in the proceedings of the conference “Koine, koines and the formation of Standard Modern Greek”, Thessaloniki, 3-4 November 2017. Thessaloniki: Institute of Modern Greek Studies.
Bulić, R. 2017. “Zbilja, kako nam se zove zajednički jezik?” [Really, what do we call our common language?]. Stav 6.4.2017: 30-32.
Kordić, S. 2010. Jezik i nacionalizam [Language and nationalism]. Zagreb: Durieux.
Kordić, S. 2017. “Čitaj pažljivo, kako god zvao jezik” [Read carefully, whatever you call the language]. Problemi sa Delaracijom. Deutsche Welle-Pescanik net 7.4.2017.
Marković, A. (ed.). 1998. Slovo o srpskom jeziku [The Declaration on the Serbian Language] (in six languages). Beograd: Fond istine o Srbima.
Voß, C. 2017. “Četiri jezika” [Four languages]. Problemi sa Deklaracijom. Deutsche Welle-Pescanik net 7.4.2017.