Allocation of public funding for greek universities according to qualitative criteria

Published: Jan 30, 2025
Universities Higher Education Evaluation Fund Allocation Qualitative Criteria
Ioannis Vikas

Universities play a crucial role in fostering knowledge creation, education, innovation, and human development. To ensure their sustained growth and effectiveness, it is imperative to establish robust evaluation mechanisms and equitable fund allocation systems. The scope of the current research is to present an overall view of the fund allocation of greek universities. The whole analysis underlines all the criteria and indicators related to the allocation of public funding to higher education institutions, according to objective (size related) and qualitative criteria. Embedding the assessment of qualitative criteria in the funding procedures is an important and innovative way of fund allocation that enhances the promotion of a new mentality for constant improvement at Greek universities.

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Author Biography
Ioannis Vikas

Economist- Researcher, Lecturer at Hellenic Open University and American College of Greece – Deree, External Associate at Hellenic Authority for Higher Education

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