Characteristics of infestation of olive trees by Prociphilus oleae (Le­ach ex Risso) (Homoptera: Pemphigidae)

Published: Jan 8, 1988
Olive aphid Prociphilus oleae Pemphigidae Olive insects
M. E. Tzanakakis
D. Α. Prophetou-Athanasiadou
A widespread infestation of olive trees in and near the city of Thessaloniki by Prociphilus oleae (Leach ex Risso) (Homoptera: Pemphigidae) was observed in 1988. Colonies including immatures and young slate adults were observed as late as early June. Infested trees were abundant along the streets of the Kalamaria section of the city. Infestations were also recorded 12 Km to the south and 75 Km to the southeast of the city, as well as on the island of Thassos, 200 Km to the east. Most infested trees had broad leaves and dense foliage, as well as scars, fissures, or other cavities on the trunk and limbs, and were shaded during part of the day by other trees or neighboring buildings. Compact colonies of the aphid occupied usually the basal part of 2 to 3-year old shoots at various heights in the trees up to 4 m, and mostly 1.5 to 2.5 from the ground. Usually there was one colony per shoot, and exceptionally up to 5.
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