Observations of Phαceliα tαnαcetifoliα as a Food Plant for Honey Bees and other insects

Published: Jan 7, 1998
Phacelia tanacetifolia date of sowing flowering bee forage insect visitors
Andreas Thrasyvoulou
Basilis Tsirakoglou
Three consecutive sowings of Phacelia tanacetifolia Bentham (Hydrophyllaceae) were examined for plant growth and attractiveness to bees and other insect-visitors over a three years’ study. Plants that were sown in March flowered uniformly for periods of 24 to 40 days, while those sown in June and July had a non-uniform anthesis that was impossible to estimate. Plants sown in early August, remained vegetative throughout winter and flowered the following spring. Maximum visits of honey bees were observed between 10:00 h and 17:00 h. Most honey bees (>70%) collected nectar. Seasonal differences in the ratio nectar/pollen gatherers were noted. Two species of bumble bee (B. terrestris and B. lucorum) and 9 species of solitary bee visited Phacelia.
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