EULIMENE 2 (2001)

Published: 2023-01-14

Volume 2 (2001) Antonio Corso Attitudes to the Visual Arts of Classical Greece in Late Antiquity   Vassos Karageorghis Some innovations in the burial customs of Cyprus (12th-7th centuries BC)   Dimitris Paleothodoros Satyrs as shield devices in vase painting   Κατερίνα Ρωμιοπούλου Πτηνοί Έρωτες ύπνω εύδοντες   Martha W. Baldwin Bowsky Gortynians and others: the case of the Antonii   Ιωάννα Κολτσίδα-Μακρή Ο θησαυρός Γυθείου IGCH 170   Vassiliki E. Stefanaki Sur deux monnaies de bronze inedites d'Hierapytna. Monnayage hierapytnien et timbres amphoriques a l'epoque hellenistique   Maria Daniela Trifiro The hoard Αρκαλοχώρι-Αστρίτσι 1936 (IGCH 154)   David Jordan Ψήγματα κριτικής, 4-10 [συνέχεια του άρθου "Ψήγματα κριτικής", Ευλιμένη 1 (2000), 127-131]   Anagnostis Agelarakis On the Clazomenian quest in Thrace during the 7th and 6th centuries BC, as revealed through Anthropological Archaeology   Chryssi Bourbou Infant mortality: the complexity of it all!