About the Journal

Eulimene is an international refereed academic periodical which hosts studies in Classical Archaeology, Epigraphy, Numismatics, and Papyrology, with particular interest in the Greek and Roman Mediterranean world. The time span covered by EULIMENE runs from the Late Minoan / Sub Minoan / Mycenean period (12th / 11th cent. BC) through to the late Antiquity (5th / 6th cent. AD).

EULIMENE also welcomes studies on anthropology, palaiodemography, palaio-environmental, botanical and faunal archaeology, the ancient economy and the history of science, so long as they conform to the geographical and chronological boundaries noted. Broader studies on Classics or Ancient History will be welcome, though they should be strictly linked with one or more of the areas mentioned above.

One of the priorities of the editorial team is to publish quality papers. The integrity of the content published is an essential point and should be ensured during the review and the edition processes and when publishing papers. To that purpose, the authors, reviewers and members of the editorial team are expected to fully adhere to the policy regarding publication ethics and malpractice, and respect the following statements:


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Eulimene-papers must be original and adhere to a high scientific (content) and technical (language, artwork, etc.) standard. Contributions should be in either of the following languages: Greek, English, German, French or Italian. Each paper should be accompanied by a summary of about 250 words in English and Greek.
Accepted abbreviations are those of American Journal of Archaeology, Numismatic Literature, J.F. Oates et al., Checklist of Editions of Greek and Latin Papyri, Ostraca and Tablets, ASP.
Illustrations should be submitted in .jpg or .tiff format of at least 1,200 dpi (dots per inch) for line art and 400 dpi for halftones (grayscale mode) resolution. All illustrations should be numbered in a single sequence.
Illustrations used to present data should not be manipulated, except for clarity purposes (e.g. adjustment of the contrast, colours etc.). When doing so, the author must ensure that the manipulation does not lead to loss or misinterpretation of data. Methods or techniques used to enhance images must be described in the Material and Methods section of the paper, or at least in the caption accompanying the illustration.
-Material studied- It is the author's responsibility to obtain written permission to quote or reproduce material which has appeared in another publication or is still unpublished.
-Copyright- The copyright for articles in this journal is retained by the author(s), with first publication rights granted to the journal. Authors who submit articles to this journal confirm that third-party intellectual property rights are not violated in any way. By virtue of their appearance in this open access journal, articles can be used freely, with proper attribution, for educational and other non-commercial purposes. The Mediterranean Archaeological Society retains the right to publish papers that appear in EULIMENE in any form, including electronic, the journal may assume in the future. It also retains the right to deposit articles published in EULIMENE in its repository.

The author(s) shall indemnify and hold harmless the MEDITERRANEAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, the publishers-in chief and the editors from any and all loss, damage, and/or expense (including reasonable attorney's fees) that the MEDITERRANEAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, the publishers-in chief and the editors may suffer or incur by reason of any claim or the defence of any claim that arises from the breach of any of these representations or warranties related to the Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement.
The author(s) warrant(s) that the article is the author's original work and has not been published before.
To ensure that papers are original contributions, and to avoid copyright issues, the author(s) must follow some rules:
The author(s) warrant(s) that the article contains no libellous or other unlawful statements, and does not infringe on the rights of others.
When a paper is submitted in Eulimene, the title page should include the disclaimer "The present paper has not been submitted to another journal, nor will it be in the 6 months after initial submission to Eulimene. All co-authors are aware of the present submission".
All co-authors must be aware of and agree to the contents of the submission.
All co-authors agree with the copyright policy and the Open Access policy of the journal.
The corresponding author declares that the manuscript and the illustrations within are original, or that he/she has taken all the necessary steps to avoid breach of copyright.
-Plagiarism and text recycling-
Publishing of original results and data.
Data integrity, sound presentation of the sources, acknowledgement and explicit reference to data collections and research.
Appropriate citations and relevant literature in support of the results presented in the manuscripts.
Plagiarism is unacceptable.
Self-plagiarism (= text recycling) should be avoided as much as possible. If it is necessary, it should be reported transparently with full reference to these previous works.
-Reproducibility of results-
We strongly encourage authors to submit their databases used in the study, alongside the manuscript. If it is possible, these can be published in Eulimene as appendixes. Otherwise, these supplementary data files will be referenced along with the paper and will be made available for download either from the authors' personal/institutional website(s), or from Eulimene's website.

Reviewers and Editorial decision
Papers which conform to journal scope and style will be sent to at least two reviewers by a member of the editorial team, who will then act as the coordinating editor.
Eulimene applies single-blind peer review, which means that reviewers remain anonymous by default. Reviewers should not enter their names or initials in the file name or inside the document, if they wish to remain anonymous. However, if reviewers want their names to be communicated to the author, Eulimene will allow this.
Reviewers are expected to objectively evaluate papers and inform Eulimene editors of any potential conflict of interest. There is a conflict of interest when someone is influenced in his/her choices or actions by a personal or financial interest. Potential reviewers who decline to review a paper are encouraged to state the reason why. If there is any conflict of interest between an editor and an author, the editor in question will not be involved in the review and the decision processes.
Authors can draw our attention to potential conflicts of interest by indicating the name of "opposed reviewers" during submission. Authors are required to explain in detail) why they do not want this person to be invited. However, Eulimene editors should decide for themselves who they want to invite, and cannot guarantee that "opposed reviewers" will not be invited.
Authors, whose papers were accepted, also can act as potential reviewers for other manuscripts submitted to the journal.
Confidentiality of the manuscripts they are reviewing should be maintained.
At the end of the review process, the editor(s)-in-chief make the final decision of acceptance or rejection, based on the reviewers' reports and the recommendation of the topical editor in charge of the review process.
-Ethical issues-
The editor(s)-in-chief will conduct the investigation concerning every suspicion of ethical issues, misconduct or conflict of interest before publication. No repressive action will be decided without sufficient evidence of misconduct. If the case involves another journal, its editor-in-chief will be contacted and both editorial teams will investigate and, if possible, make a common decision. If the paper incriminated has not yet been published, publication will be delayed until the problem is resolved. The manuscript may be rejected if there is any evidence that the author(s) has (have) not respected the present code of conduct.
If the paper incriminated has already been published, the decision of the editor(s)-in-chief will depend on the nature and severity of the problem, and will range from a debate through the publication of a paper by the complainant (which will follow our evaluation process as all papers), through corrigenda or addenda or formal notice to the Department or work of the the incriminated author (or reviewer).