Η μεταλλουργία της Πιστύρου και της περιοχής της κατά τους ιστορικούς χρόνους: η έρευνα και τα πρώτα πορίσματα

Νεραντζής Νεραντζής
Στρατής Παπαδόπουλος

The metal production at Pistyros and the surrounding area in the historical period: Reserach and first results. This article focuses on metal production at the Thasian colony of Pistyros in Aegean Thrace during the Classical/Hellenistic periods. Evidence for mining activity in the Lekani Mountains, that was mentioned by ancient authors is also under examination. Mining shafts and galleries, mineral processing areas and slag heaps represent direct evidence for the organization and running of large-scale metal production in this region. With the foundation of Thasian colonies and emporia in the coastal zone, the output in metals increased and this became possible through the involvement of Thracian manpower as they were more numerous and better suited to exploit these resources. On the other hand, the Greeks of the colonies traded finished products in exchange for raw materials. This reciprocal relation is corroborated by recent evidence for metal production deriving from the ongoing excavation at Pistyros, namely large volumes of metallurgical slag. The archaeological findings reveal that primary smelting of iron/manganese ores bearing precious metals and argentiferous lead ores were smelted at Pistyros for the extraction of silver and possibly also gold. The coexistence of slag, speiss and litharge at Pistyros provide clues to the potential workflow for precious metals extraction. Thus, it is being suggested that three liquid layers formed within the same furnace: a) slag floating on the top, b) speiss separating in the middle and c) a layer rich in Pb/Ag collected at the bottom. The next stage would involve further treatment of the Pb/Ag product through cupellation for the separation of lead from silver during which platy litharge was formed, characteristic examples of which were found during excavation. The supply of raw materials, i.e. minerals and timber for charcoal, from the mining zone in the Lekani Mountains was a matter of negotiation and exchange between the indigenous Thracian miners and the Thasian populations of the colonies.

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Author Biographies
Νεραντζής Νεραντζής

Université Libre de Bruxelles, CP 133/01,
Avenue F.D. Roosevelt, 50 B-1050,
Brussels, Belgium


Στρατής Παπαδόπουλος

Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Καβάλας,
Ερυθρού Σταυρού 17, 65403,
Καβάλα, Ελλάδα

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