Ο ζωγράφος του Τάλω. Παρατηρήσεις στα έργα ενός αγγειογράφου του τέλους του 5ου αι. π.Χ.

Απόστολος Δ. Θάνος

The Talos painter. Remarks on the works of a late 5th century B.C. vase-painter. The subject of the present article is the works of Talos Painter. The specific painter, whose action is confined in the last decades of the fifth century B.C. and early fourth century B.C., is one of the main representatives of the “Rich Style”. The conventional name “Talos Painter” was given to the vase painter by J.D. Beazley due to the depiction of the mythical bronze giant Talos on the main side of the volute crater that was found in the necropolis of Ruvo in Apulia.

In the first part of the article the stylistic characteristics are examined in order to clarify his artistic “identity”. The analysis of those stylistic characteristics has facilitated the re-examination of older attributions of certain vases.

Following this the types of vases decorated by the Talos Painter were examined. From the study of the available material, it seems that he preferred large vases, especially craters and loutrophoroi and also amphora of Panathenaic type, nuptials lebes, hydries and pelikes. The representations decorating those vases have also been examined and analyzed.

Finally, the article concludes with the examination of his apprenticeship and his collaboration with other painters. This examination can lead to the suggestion that the Talos Painter could have been an apprentice to Meidias Painter and also that he co-existed for a certain period in the same workshop with the Modica Painter.

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Απόστολος Δ. Θάνος


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