Published: Jan 1, 2010
Gavrovo-Tripolis zone fault scarp Heraklion basin Southern Greece
E. Kokinou
E. Kamberis
A. Sarris
I. Tzanaki
Giouchta Mt. is located south of Heraklion city, in Crete. It is an N-S trending morphological asymmetric ridge, with steep western slope whilst the eastern slope represents a smoother relief, composed of Mesozoic limestone and Eocene- lower Oligocene flysch sediments of the Gavrovo -Tripolis zone. The present study focuses on the geological structure of Mt. Giouchta. Field mapping and tectonic analysis is performed for this purpose. The dominant structures are contractional in nature, deformed by normal faulting related to the extensional episodes initiated in Serravallian times. The strain pattern in the area is revealed from strain analysis. It is inferred that the orientation of the stress field in the area has changed several times: the N-S, stress field which was dominant during Late Serravallian times changed to NE-SW (in Late Serravallian? - Early Tortonian) and subsequently to WNW-ESE (Early to Middle Tortonian) to become NW-SE in Late Tortonian. This orientation changed also during the Quaternary times trending from NW-SE (Early Pleistocene) to ENE-WSW (Middle Pleistocene-Holocene). In addition to the above, surface soil samples were collected in the wider area of mount Giouchta and they were analyzed in order to determine the magnetic susceptibility. GIS techniques were used for mapping the spatial distribution of the geological features and the magnetic measurements on the topographic relief of the area. Statistical analysis techniques were also applied in order to investigate the relation of faulting and magnetic susceptibility. Maps representing the spatial distribution of the above measurements were created by using appropriate interpolation algorithms.
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