Published: Jun 8, 2007
Lokris detachment faulting block rotation North Anatolian Fault
H. Kranis

The neotectonic evolution of central-eastern mainland Greece (Sterea Hellas) is documented in the result of local extensional tectonics within a regional transtensional field, which is related to the westward propagation of the North Anatolian Fault. The observed tectonic structures within the neotectonic basins and their margins (range-bounding faults and fault zones, rotation of tectonic blocL·) suggest a close relation to the Parnassos Detachment Fault (PDF), which is a reused alpine thrust surface. Lokris basin (LB) occupied a central position in this neotectonic configuration, having received its first sediments in the Uppermost Miocene and subsequently been greatly affected by tectonic episodes, which continue until nowadays. LB is considered to have been separated from the present-day North Gulf of Evia not earlier than the Lower Pleistocene. Voiotihos Kifissos Basin, on the other hand, is tightly related to the activation of PDF, occupying the position of a frontal basin and having developed along the main detachment front.

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  • Tectonic- Dynamic- Applied Geology
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