A new evidence of cretaceous echinoids at the region Paleokastro of Stylis area (Fthiotida district)

Published: Aug 1, 2018
Cretaceous Echinoids Nautiloidea (Eutrephoceras) Paleokastro Stylida Central Greece (Fthiotida)

The rich Fauna of Echinoids (114 individuals) coming from the region Paleokastro Fthiotida has been found for the first time in Greece. The most part of the Echinoids studied, belongs to the genus Echinocorys{12%), and in minor quantity to the genus Micraster(8%), Galeaster(l%) and Coraster(19%). 17 species has been indentidied which have been distributed 13 to the genus Echinocorys ( E. conoideus, E. gravesi, E. humilis, E. lamberti, E. marginatus, E. obliquus, E. ovatus, E. pyramidatus, E. rectus, E. sulcatus, E. turritus, E. vulgaris, E. zejszneri), 1 to the genus Micraster (M. coranguinum), 1 to the genus Galeaster (G. cf. bertrandi) and 2 to the genus Coraster (C. sphaericus, C. frechi). The accompagnied fauna is consisting of one Scleractinian (Caryophyllia sp.) and one Nautiloid (Eutrephoceras dekayi (MORTON)). The stratigraphical distributions of the studied fauna allow us to accept that the cretaceous layers with the Echinoid Fauna belong to the Upper Maestrichtian age. The studied fauna, with his monotonous character, is an ecological niche of the genus Echinocorys living in almost littoral waters.

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