Athena Athanasiou: Agonistic Mourning: Political Dissidence and the Women in Black

Published: Jun 19, 2019
Žene u Crnom Women in Black Serbia trauma activism mourning
Kostas Yannakopoulos

Review of Athena Athanasiou. Agonistic Mourning: Political Dissidence and the Women in Black. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2017. xii + 348 pp.

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Author Biography
Kostas Yannakopoulos, University of the Aegean

Kostas Yannakopoulos is Associate Professor of Social Anthropology at the Department of Social Anthropology and History, University of the Aegean. His research interests focus on gender, sexuality, health, the relation between anthropology and psychoanalysis, politics of difference and urban space. His publications include the article “Αmis ou amants? Amours entre hommes et identités sexuelles au Pirèe et à Athènes,” Terrain 27 (1996) and the edited volumes Σεξουαλικότητα: Θεωρίες και πολιτικές της ανθρωπολογίας [Sexualities: theories and politics of anthropology] (Athens: Alexandria, 2006), Ψυχανάλυση και κοινωνική ανθρωπολογία [Psychoanalysis and social anthropology], special issue, Ek ton Ysteron 14 (2006); Language and Sexuality (through and) beyond Gender (co-edited with Costas Canakis and Venetia Kantsa) (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2010) and Αμφισβητούμενοι χώροι στην πόλη: Χωρικές προσεγγίσεις του πολιτισμού [Contested spaces in the city: spatial approaches of culture] (coedited with Yannis Yannitsiotis) (Athens: Alexandria, 2010).

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