Review of Alexander Kitroeff, The Greeks and the Making of Modern Egypt; and Angelos Dalachanis, The Greek Exodus from Egypt: Diaspora Politics and Emigration, 1937–1962

Dec 29, 2023
Egypt Diaspora Emigration Greeks Ottoman Empire
Review of Alexander Kitroeff, The Greeks and the Making of Modern Egypt. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, 2019. 256 pp; Angelos Dalachanis, The Greek Exodus from Egypt: Diaspora Politics and Emigration, 1937–1962. New York: Berghahn, 2017. 288 pp.
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Viscomi, J. J. (2023). Review of Alexander Kitroeff, The Greeks and the Making of Modern Egypt; and Angelos Dalachanis, The Greek Exodus from Egypt: Diaspora Politics and Emigration, 1937–1962. Historein, 21(1).
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