Final article submission deadline


Contesting Authority: Revolutions, Revolts, Social Movements, Protests

In 1381, the chaplain John Ball, while addressing the revolting English people, declared: “When Adam delved and Eve span, who was then the gentleman?”. This couplet defined this bloody revolt and subsequent others as it became one of the most prominent rallying cries in the history of uprisings and popular movements. Every collective movement, such as the aforementioned, that defined history, accentuates forms of challenge and resistance to established societal practices, principles, and values, situated in a specific time period. The culminating moment of the revolutionary drama is born out of a long-term process, during which the desire for social and political change is fostered. This cry for change is uttered so that a group or groups of people can escape the perceived injustice that a series of factors, such as economic crisis, social conflict, and political suppression, constructs.

Therefore, small and large-scale cycles of protests against preponderant social groups or institutions in European History, as well as individual “everyday resistance”, provide the basis for interpreting historically and reading multidimensionally the inherent dynamics of such instances, even beyond their political significance. Thus, the impetus behind the persistent need for change is being unveiled. Furthermore, when these motivations are collectively asserted at a large scale, they could lead to massive revolutionary phenomena, such as those that marked the long 19th century. 

In its second issue, Mos Historicus: A Critical Review of European History accepts article submissions, related to revolutions, revolts, social movements, protests, as well as any relevant form of dispute and opposition, even if these failed in bringing forth change. Through the study of such instances the historian is also able to comprehend the current situation, in a world where vested civil and personal rights are sometimes threatened and oftentimes infringed, even when ostensibly protected. As such, the ongoing struggle for personal freedom, peace and liberty is justified.

Contributions may concern, but are not limited to, the following topics:

  • historiographical and conceptual approaches, methodologies
  • ideologies, alternative social realities, utopias
  • motivation, aims, causes, motives (economic, political, social etc.)
  • collective/individual strategies, movement organization, types of action
  • identities and characteristics, class, gender, age
  • propaganda, public discourse, protest vocabulary, public opinion
  • representations, political performativity, symbolisms, rituals
  • formation of public opinion, construction of historical memory, social impact
  • social networks, spaces of socialization, uses of public space
  • politics of repression, violence, nonviolence, riotous resistance

This issue aims at promoting new approaches to revolution, revolt, social movements and protests in European History, spanning from Late Antiquity to the Modern age. Contributions should be geographically integrated in the European Area, apart from the Balkans. Comparative and/or global history approaches with reference to Europe will also be accepted.


  • All submitted articles will be evaluated by the Scientific Board in accordance with the blind review method. Articles’ targeted length should be between 5.000 and 8.000 words, excluding bibliography and appendixes. For citation and bibliography styles, please visit the following link:
  • All articles should be submitted to


Final article submission deadline: 1 December 2023