A Review of Mauro, Chiara Maria, Chapinal-Heras, Diego, and Valdés Guía, Miriam (eds.) 2022. People on the Move Across the Greek World. Sevilla: Editorial Universidad de Sevilla.

Christian Ammitzbøll Thomsen

This is a review of the edited volume People on the Move Across the Greek World, edited by Chiara Maria Mauro, Diego Chapinal-Heras and Miriam Valdés Guía and published in 2022 by the Editorial Universidad de Sevilla (Seville University Press).

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Riferimenti bibliografici
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Mauro, C. M., Chapinal-Heras, D., and Valdés Guía, M. (eds.) 2022. People on the Move Across the Greek World. Sevilla: Editorial Universidad de Sevilla.