Development and perspectives of the population of Greece: 1920-1985

Published: Jan 1, 1974
Elias Dimitras
[Δε διατίθεται περίληψη / no abstract available]
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Author Biography
Elias Dimitras, National Centre of Social Research

Professor Elias Dimitras was born in Athens, in 1927. He
graduated from the Athens Graduate School of Economics
and Business Science. He also received the Diplôme d’Etudes
Supérieures (de Doctorat d’Etat) en Sciences Economiques.
He was trained in social research at the National Institute of
Demographic Studies (INED) ofParis (1959-1963). As a counselor
of OECD, he has conducted experimental research among the
Greek workers in countries of Western Europe. He served as
undersecretary of Social Services (1968-1970). Being awarded
the doctorate degree by the «Pantios» Graduate School of
Political Sciences, he was elected and appointed a Lecturer in
Demography at the Athens Graduate School of Economics
and Business. In 1972 he was elected and appointed as a Permanent
Adjunct Professor of Sociology at the «Pantios» Graduate
School of Political Sciences in which he has been teaching
since 1973.
Since 1963 he has been the General Director of the National
Centre of Social Research. In 1972 he had the initiative of
founding the Hellenic Sociological Association «Alexandras
Papanastasiou» of which he is the General Secretary.