
Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The Article is an original work, it has not been published previously, nor is it under consideration for publication elsewhere, either in print or in electronic form.
  • To the best of my knowledge the Article does not defame any person, does not invade the privacy of any person, and does not in any other manner infringe upon the rights of any person.
  • The Article does not in any way violate intellectual property rights of third parties. Wherever permission is required, I have obtained it from the copyright holder.
  • I have read and I accept the Copyright Policy and have prepared the manuscript according to the Author Guidelines of the Journal. 
  • I grant to the Review a royalty‐free, worldwide nonexclusive license to publish first the article in an issue of the Review.
  • I retain ownership and/or right‐holder of all rights under copyright in the Article, and all rights not expressly granted in this Agreement.
  • In any case of re‐publication of the Article, the Review will be given first publication acknowledgement authorized by me and all other co‐authors. If the Review authorizes any other party to republish the Article, the Review should require permission by the Author.
  • I have the full power and authority to provide the warranties and agree to the license granted by virtue of verifying all the above statements.

Author Guidelines

The Review welcomes original and previously unpublished articles that fall within the scope of the journal and follow internationally sanctioned scientific standards. Submissions are free of charge.

Registration and login are required in order to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions.

Articles must not exceed 9000 words in total (using double space and 12 font size) and must be written in MS Office or Open Office.

Citations in the text should follow the referencing style used by the American Psychological Association (APA style)

References (quotations from) to books and to articles should be in brackets (within the text or as footnotes) and should include the authors’ name, the year of publication and the pages(s), as follows: when the citation refers to a work by an author (Green, 2006, p. 205), when the citation refers to several works (Tsoukalas, 1996, pp. 201-221; Voulgaris, 1994, p. 45; Portes & Haller, 2005, pp. 404-405). When reference is made to several works, the semi-colon sign is used. To repeat the same reference immediately below, use:  op. cit., p. 105. When the reference to a book is repeated further down in the text, use: op.cit., page(s) (Anderson, op. cit., p. 50).

Footnotes are displayed at the bottom of the page. The number of each footnote is written clearly (without brackets) after the word and the punctuation mark: Sociology, [1]

Submitted articles are accompanied by:

  1. a) an abstract in English (up to 10 lines or 100 words)
  2. b) an abstract in Greek (as above)
  3. c) the full name(s) of the author(s) and the title of the work in English
  4. d) the title (researcher, teacher, doctoral candidate, etc) of the author(s) in English and their e-mail addresses
  5. e) keywords: up to five, below the abstracts:

Keywords: urbaninequalities, racistmobilization (after the abstract)                                                                                                        

  1. f) a short CV, using the following format:
  • Name
  • Surname
  • University titles
  • Scientific expertise and areas of interest
  • Employment/Profession and Affiliation
  •  Contact information, e-mail, telephone numbers

The section headings of the article should be written in large caps, whilst sub-titles in small caps.

The numbering of headings and sub-sections (if applicable) should be as follows: 

  1. 1.1.  1.2.
  2. 2.1.  2.2. etc.

- If the article contains tables and diagrams, or charts, the originals must also be sent.

- Translations can be considered for publication only if the original text is unpublished.

References are written at the end of the article, in alphabetical order. References in Greek are written first, followed by those in English, as below:

Referencing system according to APA style

When reference is made to a book, the sources should be listed in alphabetical order as follows: author (year). book title (in italics). name of publishers.

A reference to a journal article is written as follows: author (year). article title. journal’s title (in italics), volume (number), pages.

Βauman, Z. (1993). Postmodern ethics. Blackwell. (for a book)

Mouzelis, N. (1995). Greece in the twenty-first century: Ιnstitutions and political culture. In D. Constas & Th. G. Stavrou (Eds.), Greece prepares for the twenty-first century (pp. 17-34). The Woodrow Milson Center Press. (for a contribution in a collective volume)

Hodgson, L. (2004). Manufactured civil society: Counting the cost. Critical Social Policy, 24 (2), pp. 139-164. doi: 10.1177/0261018304041948 (for a contribution in a journal)

Amnesty International (2021). Greece: Violence, lies, and pushbacks – Refugees and migrants still denied safety and asylum at Europe’s borders.  (Accessed on  July 9, 2023).

The titles of books and journal articles should be written in small caps. Only the initial letter of each word must be written in large caps.

All articles are checked for plagiarism.


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