Ο ανιμισμός στο άνιμε: Οι ψυχολατρικές καταβολές της παραδοσιακής Ιαπωνικής θρησκείας Σίντο και πώς αφομοιώνονται στην τέχνη του άνιμε μέσα από το παράδειγμα της ταινίας του Χαγιάο Μιγιαζάκι «Ταξίδι στη χώρα των θαυμάτων»

Published: Jun 27, 2023
animism animation anime Miyazaki Shinto Ancient Greece kami
Alexander Milkidis

The existence and nature of the soul is one of the most important topics of theological, philosophical and artistic search of Man. For through the search for the essence and truth behind the mystery of the soul, humans are seeking the essence and truth of life itself, death, the concepts of existence and creation.

Throughout human history, many countries and tribes have been related with the psycho - centric characteristics of their traditional, ancient religions. This animistic nature of the religion that crosses over into the broader mentality and philosophy of a region’s people characterizes the Japanese whose Shinto religion, its beliefs and the worldview that spring from it, jumps into aspects of their cultural expression such as their traditional animation art, anime.

The relationship between the, Shinto-rooted, animistic way of thinking of the Japanese with the narratives of the art of anime is studied, in the present text, through the example of Hayao Miyazaki's film “Spirited away”.


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Φιλμογραφικές αναφορές
千と千尋の神隠し, Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi, Sen and Chihiro's Spiriting Away, 2001, BFI.