The Erotic and the Eternal: Striving for the Permanence of Meaning

Published: Dec 28, 2021
eros existentialism platonism transcendental feminist critique
Beatrice Sasha Kobow
The paper presents three conceptions of ‘conatus’ that show the will to persist as being connected to the individual’s participating in a culture or other collective entity and which present human striving as transcending mere biological givenness. The human strife as a movement between the ‘erotic’ and, the ‘eternal’ is analyzed in three conative ‘myths’ – ‘eros’ in Plato’s Symposium, ‘cura’ in Heidegger’s Sein und Zeit, and ‘Geist’ in Scheler’s Die Stellung des Menschen im Kosmos.
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Author Biography
Beatrice Sasha Kobow, Universität Leipzig
PhD 2005 & Habilitation 2018, Universität Leipzig
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